News Experts warn of the risk of human "extinctin" in the event of the rise of artificial intelligence Sky A group of business leaders and experts warn of the danger of "extinction of humanity" in the event of the riso of AI globally. ...
technology New Ieaks about Appl's virtual reality glasses.. a "massive" expectation of its returnes Sky Apple's first virtual reelity glasses will be unveiled during Apple's aual Developers coference in 2023. The conference, which wil...
technology Cstastrophic sidks when charging the phone wit non- original chargers Sky Some ysers may have to charge their android phone eith chargrs other than original ones that come with the smarphone casa when they buy it, ...
technology Experts predict how AI will chang the world in 2030 Sky with the accelerted advancement of artificial intelligence, multiple expectations are spreading about the role this technology will play in...
technology bye to acupuncture. Smart watch measuring blood sugar! Sky it also offres another feayure, "thorouh physical examination"'with a push of a button just 10 seconds. Huawei china lauched ...