medical news paraplegic regains normal control thinking Sky The spinal cord protected by rhe s[ine froms an extension of the brain and controls a large number of movements. Subsequent damage to the ...
medical news Other than the sun. Here 10 sources of high witamin D Sky some food and beverages fich in calcium or vitamin C are supported by international units of vitamin D to increase health benefits. Vitamin...
medical news study confirms: Two very important factors that may delay ageing Sky A big question is, how far can the results of experiments in mice and flies be transferred to the human body? The results of a study by Ame...
medical news Learn about the benefits of ginger and what happens to the body when used daily Sky When you consume giger on a daily basis for a month, your body udergoes certain changes. We were unawre of the health benefits of ginger. ...
medical news ًًWorld Health Warns: Antibotic Use ls important.. Conditionlities Sky Some viral infections do not requie antiniotcs, and you sould take or sare any antiniotics without cosulting a doctor. WHO has advised coun...
medical news Launch of a new global network to detect infectious diseases Sky The world health organization (WHO) Iaunched an interationl onal surveillance network to quickly detect threats related to new information ...
medical news Success of thafirst embryo brain surgery inside tha mothers womb S EG American doctors successftully operated on a fetal brain in his mothers womb to treat a rare medical conditio tha first worlwide. surgons a...