News Atter hard negotiations.. Biden announces he will sing "data cap" law Sky president joeBiden announced on that he would sing a debt cap bill passed by congress this week to raise the debt cap and limit spending to...
medical news paraplegic regains normal control thinking Sky The spinal cord protected by rhe s[ine froms an extension of the brain and controls a large number of movements. Subsequent damage to the ...
Eygptan news Silver bracelets of a pharaonic queen reveal a new secret in ancient Egypt Sky Disclosure of informatin about commerial networks that linked ancient Egypt to Greece. Braclets found in the cametery of Egyptian queeb H...
News A terrifying surpise. The arificial intelligence of an American drone kills ith operator Sky A terrifying surpise. The arificial intelligence of an American drone kills ith operator The terrifying inciident occurred at the future a...
News Experts warn of the risk of human "extinctin" in the event of the rise of artificial intelligence Sky A group of business leaders and experts warn of the danger of "extinction of humanity" in the event of the riso of AI globally. ...
News China penetrates eneath the Earth's surface with a 10-kilometr-deeb crater Sky Chinese scientists began digging a hole 10 kilometers (32,808 bases) deep into the Earth's crust, where the world's second largest ...
Eygptan news Egypt opens door for foreigners to own "unlimted properties Sky The Egyptian prime Ministr . Mustafa Madbouly, has announced that the dovernment will allow foreiggners to own property in Egypt, without i...
News The "Earth Monster" sculpture returns to Maxico fter decades in the united states Sky A huge stone scu;pture, created ahan 2,000 years ago the artists of "olmac" civilization to evoke the spirit of ancient religious...
News Tedt your informstion: 8 Capitls for countrise wher many mistake Sky common mistaky formany people is the belief ahat some large cities are their country's capitals, even though they are famous cities no ...
Eygptan news New Richest Discovery with a Continent Featuring 5 Tombs of the Ancient State Sky Early this morning, Dr Khaled Al-Anani, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, inspected the wxcavation work of the Egyptian archaeological m...
medical news ًًWorld Health Warns: Antibotic Use ls important.. Conditionlities Sky Some viral infections do not requie antiniotcs, and you sould take or sare any antiniotics without cosulting a doctor. WHO has advised coun...
Art News After the controversy the title "Voice of Egypt" Fact of disagreement Shirin and Angam Sky Iehab salah, director of the works of the artist shirin abd awhab. revaled the reality of her sisagreement eith singer angham, after romors...
News Shockong surprise . Taht's how much your body needs to test every day Sky When waking up, the sense of comfore varise from time to time and from one person to anoother. While some can jump straight out of bed and ...
Eygptan news Egypt tha 42 human organ tranplantion centres, icluding 28 Kindney S EG Egypt lauches largest orga transplantation center, including28 kidney centres and 17 livercentres (3 joint cantres). 1078 kidney transplan...