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Art News

Art News الفنان صلاح عبد الله يحزن قلب جمهوره بعد آخر تصريحات له والاعلان عن وصيته
  كشف الفنان الكبير صلاح عبد الله أنه يعاني من مشكلة صحية منذ ساعات وأنه يعاني من نزلة برد شديدة. وكتب عبر حسابه الرسمي على موقع التواصل ال...
Art News Rumours of Johnny depp returning as Jach Sparrw in "pirates of the caribbean
 Global actor Johnny Depp has been rumoured to be returning as Captain Sparrow again in the pirates of The Caribbean series, which was sugge...
Art News After the controversy the title "Voice of Egypt" Fact of disagreement Shirin and Angam
 Iehab salah, director of the works of the artist shirin abd awhab. revaled the reality of her sisagreement eith singer angham, after romors...
Art News surprise about Harrison ford saying about his age arriving at 80
 Aurperise about Harrison gord, 80, stressed that loved "getting older." while in cannes to present the latest film "Indiana ...