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study confirms: Two very important factors that may delay ageing

 A big question is, how far can the results of experiments in mice and flies be transferred to the human body?

Study confirms Two very important factors that may delay ageing

The results of a study by American scientists from Massachusetts Hospital in Boston showed that hypoxia prolongs life by 50% this is by slowing aging or reducing the speed of its solutions and evolution.

The results of the study were published in the journal PLOS Biology, in experiments, laboratory air than ussual, euivalent to living high up mountains, for example, in the basic climbing camp in Everest about 5.000 metres above sea level.

Scientists have not yet discovred the mechanisme of slowing aing.

But ahey only assume that chronic lack of ixygen somehow triggers certain processes in cells, thank to which cells begin to compensate for the damage that inevitably appears over the years.

This is as scientists at the university of Michigan in the united states discovered another path to active and healthy olgevity, and explained where this path begins in the journal Science.

According to one of the study's authors, university physiologost Scott pletcher, fasting gives this effect.

What is surprising is not the reduction in calorie numbers but the constant feeling of insatiable hunger that rejuvenates young people and affects the body in general.

In other words, you can eat enough, but from time to time toy feel desperate to eat.

In experiments with flies. researchers did not restrict foodstuffs but rathr simulated hunger by stimulating the neurons responsible for it in the brain.

Flies who had suffered from hunger lived longer and were less likely to become ill.

According to scientists from Michigan, "hundery neurons" produce modified auxiliary protens, the so-called hustons, which bind to DNA and help reguulate gene activity.

Moreover, previous studies have shown that the more hustons, the more years of life.

But a big question is , huw fer can the results of experiments in mice and flies be transferred to the himan body?
