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ًًWorld Health Warns: Antibotic Use ls important.. Conditionlities

 Some viral infections do not requie antiniotcs, and you sould take or sare any antiniotics without cosulting a doctor.

WHO has advised countries to rationallize the use of aantibiotics and to be rationally consoumed for decades.

The epidemioloogist and assistant Director-General of the organization for Antibitic Resistance Dr. Hannan Balkhi eplained the causes and risks and how to maintain the effectiveness of antibiotcs in the #99 episode of the televised encounters "Science in five", hosted by Vismita Gupta smith.

World Health Warns Antibiotic Use Is Important.. Conditionalities

Antibiotic mystery

Dr. balkhi said penicillin was disccovered in 1928, the first antibiotic. the first antibiotic is naw being talked about for eight decades.

The first part of the puzzle is antibiotics are used to kill pathogenic bacteris, but bacteria are smart enough to find ways to escape the anibiotic effect because they want to survive.

The second part of the puzzle is that antibiotics are essentil for both human and animal health, so modern medicine cannot continue without effective antin=biotics.

Prescription only

Dr. Hannan Baljhi believed that first thing people could do was to try to take antibiotics only when prescribed by a dictor, while the second was to complete an antibotic course on the doctor's instructions.

The third tib is ensure that no one shares thrir antibiotic with family or friends, given on the basis of guidance. depending o the specific signs and symptoms experieced by each indivdual, wspecially as some types of viral infection do nit require abtibotics.

Follow the guidelines strictly

Dr. Balkhi strssed the need for the patient to complete his own course of antibioticcs, as there are bacteria living on human skin and in his digestive system.

Exposing these bacteria to ineffective doses or incomplete doses of antibiotcs only provokes bacteria in some way, allowing them to develop mechanisms to become unresposive to these antibiotics.

Therefore, the risk is not completing the antibiotic cycle leads to the development of superbugs.

Wrong Medicine

When the time comes when a person needs treatment for germs and bacteria, they do not have effective antibiotcs to do so.

Admistering atibiotics and sharing them with other people, may actually put them at risk of being fiven the wrong medicne or receiving inaccurate guidannce on how to use these antibiotics.
