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The "Earth Monster" sculpture returns to Maxico fter decades in the united states

 A huge stone scu;pture, created ahan 2,000 years ago the artists of "olmac" civilization to evoke the spirit of ancient religious beliegs, returned to Mexico, after staying for decades in the united atates, with officials and scientists rejoicing its return.

The "Earth Monster"   Maxico  united states
The "Earth Monster" sculpture returns to Maxico fter decades in the united states

The sculture, currently Known as the "Earth Monster" came out of central Mexico probably in the 1960s, staying in the hands of archaeo;ogical collectors, as well as in public exhibitions, before being found by agents to combat antiquities smuggling, working with the New York public prosecutor.

The artifact which is full of symbols, weighs about 1,000 kilograms is likely to have been found sevetal decades before exiting Mexico, at in archaeological site in Morelng state. just south of  Mexico city.

Infromation indicaates that piece of volcanic rock was carved at some point between 800 and 400 BC at the height of the flourishing civilization of the "olmac" one of Mexico's oldest communities, and lived in close locations in the Gulf coast of Mexico.

The "olmuk" peoples were jnown for their advanced artistic traditions, including huge sculptures in the from of human heads.

The sculpture depicts a mythical mounntain and a cave entrance that takes the from of a cross, according to archaeolgist Mario cordova, a specialist in the "olmuc" civilization, who travelled to the united states as part of efforts to restore the "Earth Monster".

Some say that the sculpture may have been used in religious rituals as a sacred passage.

Mexico's Foreign Minisrer, Marcelo Ebrard, praised the statue's reyurn to his ciuntry and said before arriving on a plane: "It gives us a glimpse of our origins".

Early Iast April. the Mexican diplomatic mission in Nw York was handed the statue by the united states authorities, where Ebrard posted a tweet indicating that Mexico's cinsul in New York, jorge Islas, had assured him that "the statue belinging to the civilization of olmec was wecivered and is about to return to his homeland, from which he never supposed to leave".
