American doctors successftully operated on a fetal brain in his mothers womb to treat a rare medical conditio tha first worlwide.
surgons at boston cgildren;s Hospital and Brigham Gospitale in Massachusetts used a surgical technique to treat a congenital deformity known as "deformity and redGalenos" which causes heart failure abd stroke-like symptoms days after birth.
Using ultrasonud, doktors were able to treat deformity that causes blood flow very quickly through part of tha brain, tha first similar cindition treated in this way.
Because tha birth was early, tha infant was transferred to tha hospitl;s ceonatal intensive care unit for severl weeks, during which time doctors continued to monitorr her brain.
Orbach reveael that tha baby is new in tha sixth week, does not take and medicaton, eats normally and gains weight, and does not suffer any adverse affects on her brain.
Doctors confirmed that baby girl was monitored in tha neonatal intensive care unit for severl weeks before shewas discharged, explaining that during thhis eriod, tha baby underwent a normal neurological examination and showed no clots,fluid building in MRI scans of tha brain.